Acupuncture originated in China over 5000 years ago. It’s based on the belief that health is determined by a balanced flow of chi, the vital life energy present in all living organisms. According to acupuncture theory, chi circulates in the body along twelve major pathways, called meridians, each linked to specific internal organs and organ systems. By inserting very fine, sterile single-use needles at specific points along the meridians, your acupuncturist can redirect and reposition the flow of energy (chi) to relieve tension, stress, and pain. The uninterrupted and balanced flow of energy along these meridians contributes to one’s overall health. However, blockages and imbalances result in pain and illness.
Dry needling is an effective and efficient technique based on western anatomical and neurophysiological principles. It is used to eradicate ‘trigger points’ in the muscle system swiftly and effectively. Trigger Points develop in muscles under tension and stress causing dysfunction, weakness, and pain. Dry Needling can physically break down the trigger points, ‘resetting’ the muscle and allowing for full strength and range of movement to return.
Acupuncture and dry needling are both safe and effective methods of treatment that can alter the pain threshold and pain perception in the acute and chronic stages of injury. Integrated with muscle activation and correctional exercise prescription, we seek to provide you with a holistic and long-term clinical outcome. Our physiotherapists are trained and accredited to use acupuncture needling techniques. During your treatment, the physiotherapist may utilize needling as a treatment technique with your consent.
Problems that can be helped with acupuncture and dry needling include:
- Chronic back or neck pain
- Migraines and headaches
- Sports injuries
- Tennis elbow
- Insomnia
- Lose weight
- infertility
- Repetitive strain injuries
- Work-related injuries
- Motor vehicle injuries